Corporate Law
I am dedicated to the creation and protection of corporations, and I work tirelessly to secure the results you deserve. Whether you are seeking to create a company or to expand an existing one, I have the experience, dedication and skill to solve all your corporate legal problems.
Commercial real estate closings
Residential real estate closings
Construction and build-outs
Easements and restrictions
Financing and mortgages
Leasing contracts
Land use and zoning
Sales contracts drafting and review
Express Entry Spousal/Family Sponsorship Visitor Visas Appeals Removal order or deportation Work-permits Skilled Worker Permanent Resident Card Investor Immigration Canada Family Reunification
Divorce and Separation Family Justice Services Child Custody and Access Domestic Violence & Assault Spousal and Child Support Division of Family Property Treatment of a Matrimonial Home Enforcement of Support Payments Child Protection Adoption
About Mandy Nwobu
Learn about mandy and see why she is your choice for legal counsel
The principal started her legal Career in the Legal Department of a Merchant Bank in Nigeria many decades ago. She subsequently joined Sowers and Messuarius Solicitors as a partner in 2005. Sowers and Messuarius Solicitors is a Law Firm engaged in Real Estate and Commercial Law, Energy, Maritime, Corporate, Intellectual Property, and Investment Law. There were five partners at this time with Mandy being the only Female Partner. The Firm had four branches with over fifteen lawyers with diverse experience and expertise.
Mandy was recently admitted into the Ontario bar in 2014. She is an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration and the American Bar Association. Mandy interned with the Criminal Division of Legal Aid Ontario and continued to volunteer for over a year in the Criminal Division, an area of Law that has become most appealing since her re-location. Mandy articled with the Crown Law Office – Civil, Ministry of the Attorney General on Bay Street, Toronto. She continued to serve in the Crown Law Office after her articles.
Mandy is of the Ibo speaking part of Eastern Nigeria, and plays a prominent role both in her Nigerian Community and the Canadian Community as well, She is active in many organizations, including but not limited to, the Rotary Club, Scarborough Business Association, Hardy Stevenson and Associates, Canadian Association of Black Educators, Belka Enrichment Center, Anambra State Association, and last, but not the least, the Igbo Canadian Community Association. She sits on the Board of many of these non-profit organizations.
Mandy Nwobu is an editor and writer of many unpublished articles and play-writes. She has properly positioned herself in Nigeria, the United States of America and here in Canada – networking and learning about their Legal and Business culture.
She in her modest manner assists many International students settle into the different vocations of their choice in their respective schools and subsequent new homes both in Canada and the United States of America.
Mandy plans to make her law firm a household name in the following areas of law:
• Corporate & Real Estate Law
• Refugee and Immigration Law
• Adoption and Family Law
• Criminal Law
• Wills and Estate Law